
Welcome to Public Law Project’s.  Anyone can access our free courses and seminars which all appear on the front page, and which can be organised by using the categories or tag box. If you’ve attended a ‘pay for’ online event, you should have been invited to register for an account with this learning portal, so that you can login to access those recordings as well as free content.  You can see your ‘pay for courses’ when yo are clicked in by clicking on ‘my courses’.  If you have been a delegate to an online event and not received a link to create an account please e-mail PLP’s events team on [email protected]

If you are a user with a login
Once you create your account you can scroll down the front page to access your courses. Below you will see each course you can access, which will include PLP’s free courses plus any content you have paid for.  The circle besides the course indicates whether you have watched some or all of the content from that course. When you go to each course you can mark the sessions you have viewed as complete so you can pick up where you left off when you return.

Your profile

You can use your profile (click profile link in top right hand corner) to upload a picture or change your password.

Legal disclaim

Although this website is intended to inform the general public, as well as advisers and legal practitioners, about the law and legal processes, none of the contents of this website constitutes legal advice.  All our publications, seminars, advice and case work cover the law in England and Wales only. The seminars on this site are for information only.  You should not construe information on this site as being directly applicable to your own case. Public law is a very fast-moving area and some of the information will be out of date or overtaken by events.  You should always seek advice on your specific circumstances from a lawyer who specialises in public law.

The content from conferences such as papers and audio, are provided for public law practitioners. PLP accepts no responsibility for the contents of these items.