Crowdfunding and litigation funding for a JR
The session looks at how to do crowdfunding and litigation funding in JR.
Duty of Candour and the courts approach to disclosure in proceedings
Online course on a general themes on ensuring transparency in Government, including topics of empirical study on judicial treatment of the duty of candour and recent and relevant cases.
Subject Access Request (SAR) Masterclass
This session provides introduction and tips on making Subject Access Request, looking at the right of access, personal data, third party rights and exemptions.
Appealing to the European Court of Human Rights (ECtHR)
This session looks at practicalities, preparation, representation and standing in an appeal to The European Court of Human Rights.
Systemic legal challenges
This seminar looks at judicial review claims challenging ‘unfairness inherent in the system itself’ that may give rise to an unacceptable risk of procedural unfairness (or similar cases).
Impact on litigation – test case strategies
This session looks at the way research can inform litigation strategies, and specifically test case litigation, as well as collecting and acting on litigation data.
Communicating research for impact
This session will use real world examples of how complex ideas and research findings often need to be distilled to be communicated to different, and often wider, audiences.
Co-producing research
This session looks at case studies of research co-production to explore how research benefits from involving individuals in the project who are not researchers, but have interest or experience.
Legal research for social impact
A discussion on why impact matters, drawing on themes for the day including understanding the experience and objectives of communities and movements in designing research projects for social impact...
Identifying and challenging discrimination in the immigration system
This sessions look at case studies, identifying Course
Delays in asylum decisions
The session discussed the recently launched legal challenge by Asylum Aid arguing that the Home Office is acting unlawfully by failing to make asylum decisions as soon as possible, and to provide r...
Steps in a JR claim – from letter before claim to permission
This session is about the procedure of a JR claim, looking at the pre-action steps from letter before claim up to the permission stage.
Challenging the recovery of benefits overpayments and hardship payments July 2024
The session explained the DWP’s current policy on waiving recovery of benefit overpayments, the impact that overpayment recovery has on claimant benefit awards and the steps that individuals can ...
Claimant Commitments and Benefit Sanctions May 2024
This session covered getting the appropriate Claimant Commitment for your client, avoiding or challenging benefits sanctions including in the First Tier Tribunal.
Discrimination in Welfare Benefits May 2024
The seminar looked at using the law and research to expose and challenge discrimination in the welfare benefits system.
#Publicdisco Special Edition: From Crisis to Empowerment 2024
#Publicdisco 2024 is a special edition of our anti-discrimination conference, co-produced by community activists using the law to fight discrimination and uphold their rights.
Funding and Costs in JR
A series of practical, bite-size seminars online over three days covering costs and funding in judicial review.
Keynotes address: Rt Hon Suella Braverman QC MP, Attorney General and Prof Leslie Thomas QC
Rt Hon Suella Braverman QC MP, Attorney General and Prof Leslie Thomas QC’s keynote address in our 2021 annual conference on accountability and the constitution.
The EUSS, complaints to the Independent Monitoring Authority (IMA)
This session looks at the IMA’s approach to receiving and reviewing complaints, PLP’s EUSS Hub, the digital reforms in immigration and performance of the EU Settlement Scheme.
Legal Aid Exceptional Case Funding (ECF) Training
A series of topic seminars to help people accessing the scheme, whether lawyers, advisers or litigants, including a background to the scheme and guides to making ECF applications in specific areas....
Public law and devolution
This panel considers the function and use of public law in the post-Brexit devolutionary landscape, where differences emerges between central and the devolved governments on the role of law.